Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 4/365

I'm finding it hard on some days to pick only one photo.  I am sure there will be many days ahead that I cannot come up with even one so for now I am just going to post as many as I feel like.
I was trying my hand at making heart-shaped bokeh, but it didn't turn out great.  This was the best picture so far:
I have been trying to clean and go thru old stuff and purge things we don't really need.  I was going thru old pictures tonight and came across this one.  So I took a picture of it.  It's a picture I took of a picture that was in an album that someone had at a family reunion a couple of years ago.  So it's a picture of a picture of a picture of my grandparents and their boys (the one on bottom right is my dad).  I find such interest in this photo not just because of the people in it, but because at first glance I always think it's me in the picture.  Never before had I found a resemblance between me and my grandmother.
And finally - my boy Sammy.  He rarely lets me take pictures of him, but I'm glad he let me get this shot tonight.  Olivia left her pillow pet in the living room and he was snuggling with it.  How cute is he?!

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